Friday, 5 December 2014

How to Successfully Recover from a Breast Enlargement Surgery

It is evident that without a proper recovery plan or process, no surgery is a success and, when it comes to breast augmentation surgery, the importance of following proper recovery guidelines become even more imperative.  The majority of the cosmetic surgeons agree on a common point that most of the post surgical complicacies associated with breast enlargement surgeries arise due to lack of proper care. In such circumstances, sticking to a proper recuperation plan becomes inevitable for every woman undergoing this specific surgery. 

Some of the most common yet dreadful post surgical symptoms of breast enlargement surgery include swollen or firm breasts, pain, occasional blood discharges and many more. If not cared properly these issues might offer dangerous consequences on the long run. The following are few important guidelines that will help one to successfully recover from a breast enlargement surgery process.
  • Following the prescribed medications, as per the instructions is the first and foremost requirement of a successful recovery. There are times when due to consumption of aspirin-based drugs minor bleedings might occur. In such cases, consulting the concerned doctor is extremely important. Women undergoing boob job therapy has to be careful about medications after the recovery process, well. Consulting with a specialist at regular intervals is a must.
  • Taking leave from work in the recovery phase is always a good decision. However, women who are indulged in works that do not require adequate arm or shoulder movements can start their work after the first week itself.
  •  The scar marks of the surgery might stay for six months. In rare cases, the scars might take a year to go away completely. In the initial stages, the scar marks look weird, but there is nothing to be panicked about that. Consulting the doctors about the specific scar healing treatments prove to be the best decision.
  • Exposing the scars to the direct sunlight at the initial stages of the recovery phase is not at all sensible. The harmful UV rays of the sun might make the scars difficult to heal. In the case of sunbaths, one should not forget to cover the scar region with soft cloths.
  • During the recovery phase, one should consume significant amount of fluids in order to keep the body hydrated. Maintaining a balanced diet, with all the important nutrients in also important. There are numerous instances when women experience lack of appetite after the surgery. Therefore, creating a systematic diet plan is a must.
  • In order to restrict the chances of blood clots, chest infections and constipation, women should perform easy exercise like slow hand movements and other soft activities. This might feel unappealing at times, but one has to remember that light activities help in enhanced blood circulation. Thus, they help in restricting the various post-surgical symptoms.
In addition to these basic guidelines, women undergoing the boob job treatment should be careful about restricting the smoking habits during the recovery phase as well.  Smoking extends the healing time significantly, and it also causes various other symptoms like chest pain and infections. Therefore, before undergoing the surgery, women should consider lowering the number of cigarettes consumed.

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